Saturday, June 10, 2017

A Convention of Kangaroos

On Thursday morning we set off to venture further into Victoria.  I'm not saying I am, but if I were to seek asylum in Australia, I may end up on Phillip Island.  Anyway, in the meantime, we had lots more of a huge country to see, so it was time to hit the road.  We stopped at a gorgeous botanical garden south of Melbourne and found all sorts of fun plants to add to our landscaping at home, and several more ideas which would be just great if only I had a green thumb.  So many pretty flowers, even in the autumn! 

After getting on our way again, we stopped at Hanging Rock state park, where we decided not to hike as we were getting ready to find someplace for lunch, but we did happen to spot some wildlife.  Kangaroos!  A whole convention of them!  There is a horse-racing track in this park, and a couple kangaroos began hopping across the grass where they stopped in the midfield and waited until they were joined by another few, and then several more, and finally there were more than 50 kangaroos standing around.  They seemed to be counting noses and waiting, and soon enough 3 more came jumping out of the bushes.  You could just here them saying "C'mon, Mabel, do we always have to wait for you?"

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