Saturday, July 6, 2019

Glacier National Park

I have always heard the Glacier National Park is one of the most beautiful places in the world, but had not made it out there until this summer.  It is stunning.  Pictures really do not do it justice, and it felt like as we were hiking we had to stop every few minutes to take a few more shots!

We drove back across Montana and up to Glacier, where we had nothing on our schedule other than to hike and relax.  Mission accomplished on that!  We saw some more bears, including a few cubs, and fortunately, all of them were safely from the car.  No moose for us, which is unfortunate, since I was hoping to see a few...guess we'll have to go back!

It didn't actually snow on the 4th of July, although we did see plenty of snow out there.  By lunch time, we even had our sweatshirts off, although we did begin the day with jackets and gloves as well.  There was plenty of rain here, too, but we ended up staying pretty dry, and the park seemed to clear out pretty well as soon as the first drops fell.  Those of us who braved the weather got some incredible views.  The dark clouds really add to the drama in the photos, at least.

We've mostly been having sandwiches for lunch and making fires for supper, cooking our veggie dogs and veggie brats, mostly.  The kids have gotten really good at building fires in the rain, but I must admit I'm looking forward to a time when I'm not trying to spread peanut butter and jam in the car, or hurry and eat my hot dog before the bun gets all soggy from the rain.  I may be looking forward to getting back to some running water as well!

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