Thursday, June 13, 2019

Yellowstone National Park: Grand Canyon of Yellowstone & Mammoth Hot Springs

Yellowstone National Park is huge, covering mountains, forests, and meadows...but looking around most of it does make one wonder "why exactly did they call it "YELLOW-stone?"  The iconic view of the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone answers that question, it's probably the place where the rocks look the most yellow, at least in comparison.  Or in the right light.

After surviving a massive storm hunkered down in our tent Thursday night (which Hans slept through, despite the wind pulling the tent apart and the thunder shaking the ground), Friday morning dawned early, and the light was perfect for photographs.  We spent the morning hiking around the Grand Canyon area, and finally also saw some bears (three black bears -- separately -- to be precise, although they did not post nicely for pictures).

Mammoth Hot Springs is at the north end of the park, and is an amazing section of (more) yellow rock.  The rock formations left by centuries of minerals building up are weirdly gorgeous.  The steam rising off the stone from the hot water adds to the beauty.

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